My name is Sabahudin, Saba for short. I am 25 years old and I am a 1st generation American. My parents immigrated to the U.S. from Montenegro and had me here, in Connecticut, where I grew up with my 2 brothers. I have brought my camera with me almost everywhere since the age of 12.

Growing up, and still to this day, my family runs a pizzeria. As an 11 year old, I would ask my father for 5-10 bucks every time I did chores around the house or the restaurant so I could save up for a camera. After about a year I managed to save up around $600.

I'M Saba

I biked to Staples one afternoon and waved down an employee to unlock the camera case for me so I could take my camera to the register.  The man at the register looked at me weird (mind you I'm 12) and rang the camera up for just under $600.  I pulled out one of those zipper bank bags that Bank of America used to hand out in the '90s--2000s and I handed the cashier just under $600 cash for the camera.  On that day 13 years ago, I biked home with my first ever Canon camera.

My name is Sabahudin, Saba for short. I am 25 years old and I am a 1st generation American. My parents immigrated to the U.S. from Montenegro and had me here, in Connecticut, where I grew up with my 2 brothers.  I have brought my camera with me almost everywhere since the age of 12.

Growing up, and still to this day, my family runs a pizzeria. As an 11 year old, I would ask my father for 5-10 bucks every time I did chores around the house or made pizza boxes so I could save up for a camera. After about a year I managed to save up around $600.

taking the road less traveled..

about me

the lake and mountains behind me are where my parents grew up
(Plavsko Jezero)

the view outside my dad's childhood home

of me

the view outside my dad's childhood home

the lake and mountains behind me are where my parents grew up
(Plavsko Jezero)

of me